Welcome to our Easy Search remover instructions. This article intends to help you remove Easy Search from your system and is designed to work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer and all Windows versions.
Easy Search is considered a computer virus by a number of security experts and we would like to show you how to deal with the eminent dangers associated with this type of malware – a Browser Hijacker. As evidenced by the requests for “como remover easy search” and “como desinstalar easy search” this is definitely a global problem. So we feel this is of vital importance for you to understand and learn not only how to avoid similar malicious applications in the future, but also how not to worsen your immediate situation. So bear with us and read carefully through this article before moving on to our extensive removal instructions. This will help you answer a lot of questions like “como desinstalar easy search” or “como remover easy search”.

What is a Browser Hijacker?
This is the commonly used name to mark the malicious software which, as the name suggests, hijacks your browser and replaces your default search engine with another one. The new search engine is much more likely to redirect you to shady or downright malicious websites. It will also display compromised search results in order to promote websites that have paid the creators of the malware to boost their rankings. You might also encounter some strange and previously uncommon toolbars that have appeared in your browser, as if out of nowhere.
We mentioned the browser redirects, didn’t we? This is the annoying process that in addition to or sometimes even instead of the website you were trying to access another tab or window opens up, with a completely different website loaded up. Very often these redirects are not only irritating but also dangerous, as they might be filled with malware of many different forms.
You are also likely to encounter pop-up Ads in many different variations. They might be downright advertisements of a product. Or they might be more subtle and try to make you a software download and installation of an audio or video codec, a program update, an anti-virus software or something else. You should always remember not to install any sort of executable files suggested by similar questionable advertisements. It is more than likely that you will end up with some nasty viruses in addition to the one you are currently battling.
How did you end up with a Browser Hijacker?
There are many different clever ways used by experienced con artists to spread malware like Easy Search. By far the most common one and probably the way in which you were infected is through a software bundle. In other words this malicious software was “hidden” in the installer of another program, mist likely some form of freeware that you have recently installed. Notice that we used the word hidden with a caveat – it is only hidden if you do not click on Advanced installation options and carefully check if some additional software is not being prepared to be installed on your hard drive in addition to the one you originally intended to install.
We would like to take an additional minute of your time and clarify some details about our removal instructions. We feel this is important as it will most likely answer some questions that might pop-up during this process. Creators of virus applications like Easy Search do their best to make it as harder as possible for blogs and removal guides just like ours to work equally for all affected users. They manage to accomplish this by creating many different versions of their “software”. This makes it impossible to create a single method that is going to work in the same way for all infected users. That’s why our guide might contain some parts that are irrelevant to your specific problem. If this is the case then do not be instantly alarmed but continue with the rest of the guide. Feel free to contact us with any questions, suggestions or just a simple thank you.
Threat | Easy Search |
Classification | Browser Hijacker |
Security Alert |
Medium. |
Negative Effects | Your Browser has been Hijacked. Unwanted Browser Redirects, Pop-up Ads. |
Easy Search Removal from Chrome/Firefox
Step 1
Reveal Hidden Files. If you don’t know how to do this, ask us in the comments.
Step 2
Press and hold the button on your keyboard and R. Type appwiz.cpl and click on Ok.
Look for suspicious programs and uninstall them.
In the search field type => msconfig => hit Enter.
Go to Startup and disable all entries with Unknown as Manufacturer.
Step 3
=> Search=> Copy/Paste “notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts” => Enter.
If you notice other IPs different from the localhost IPs – you might be in danger!
Ask for additional help in the comments.
Step 4
Easy Search Removal from
Click => More Tools => Extensions.
Locate the virus and remove it.
Easy Search Removal from Firefox
Click => Add-ons=> Extensions.
Locate the virus and delete it.
Malware Removal from Internet Explorer
Press on => Manage Add-ons =>
Find the virus and remove it.
Step 5
Right click on the Taskbar => Start Task Manager.
Navigate to Processes.
Locate any suspicious processes associated with Easy Search. Right click on the process = > Open File Location => End Process = > Delete the directories with the suspicious files.
Step 6
=> Search => Type:
- %AppData%
- %LocalAppData%
- %ProgramData%
- %WinDir%
- %Temp%
Hit Enter after each new search. Check each Folder and delete recent entries.
If you run into any trouble – ask us for help in the comments section!