Welcome to our Maktub Locker Ransomware removal instructions. This article intends to help you remove Maktub Locker Ransomware from your system and is designed to work for all Windows versions.
If you’ve just got “lucky” to greet yourself with Maktub Locker Ransomware on your PC, you have probably landed on this page in search for a solution. This is something that is happening with increasing frequency nowadays. It’s Ransomware virus. Don’t panic! Our Security experts have done their best to offer you a possible way to deal with this trouble. In the guide below you may learn more about how this virus operates and some good tips on how to stay away from it and try to remove it.
What is Maktub Locker Ransomware?
Ransomware is malware that locks your PC or mobile and doesn’t let you access your data. All of it! It will keep it locked unless you pay a ransom. The ransom is usually demanded in Bitcoins. This is an encrypted type of online currency that lets the hacker collect money anonymously. The amount demanded may vary widely – sometimes, victims of this virus are asked to pay from a couple of hundreds to a couple of thousands. There is no wonder that people would give a try to every other possibility to remove it and save up their money. Here, we have prepared a step by step guide, that may help you uninstall Maktub Locker Ransomware , but before proceeding to it, there are a few things that are good to know.
How did Maktub Locker Ransomware make its way into your PC?
Usually, Maktub Locker Ransomware gets inside infected computers through the help of a fraudulent email. All it takes is a quick click on the infected link or file and one can be redirected to a malicious attachment. This moment of carelessness may cause you a lot of trouble after that. In case the attachment isn’t blocked by the antivirus or firewall, it may immediately start running on your PC. What it will do then is to encrypt all the files on the user’s system in a way that they cannot be unlocked. Email, unfortunately, isn’t the only way Maktub Locker Ransomware is spreading. Ransomware may also be found in malicious scripts, on pop-up messages, ads or websites.
People who got infected with this virus usually experience something like this. They may find a message on their screen informing them that the PC has been locked and all the files have been encrypted. There is another message stating that unlocking it is possible with an encryption key, which will be received only if the exact amount of money is paid. Of course, detailed instructions about the payment method are provided. A short time frame is given to the victim to make the payment, and if this doesn’t happen, the hackers threaten to delete the decryption key and this way leaving all data locked forever.
Can you really trust a shark?
Of course, no one gives a guarantee that if the ransom payment is made one will get his information unlocked. If you wonder whether paying is a good idea, it is good to keep in mind the people staying behind the ransom are criminals after all. What if they not only take the money away but leave the data encrypted? Moreover, even if they send you the key to unlocking the encrypted data, this doesn’t mean that your PC is safe. It may still be infected with the same malware that activated the Maktub Locker Ransomware in the first place. There is another thing. The more people agree to pay the ransom, the more popular and of course, profitable this nasty form of robbery becomes. Having this in mind, one should carefully think is it worth it to take the risk and pay or not. No doubt that finding a way to remove it without paying is the best solution.
The best defense?
With so many things available on the internet, the best way to stay safe is by ensuring your computer is protected from start to end. Here are few golden tips to follow for your own safety. We’ve said it a million times and we will say it again. Avoid to open attachments or click links in emails unless you are sure they are safe. If you don’t recognize the sender, or you are not expecting a message or attachment, pay attention before clicking on it.
Another way to stay safe is to run an antivirus that is good in catching dangerous links before they reach your inbox. If you are not sure which antivirus to use, you can check in the guide below. It is also good to think about removing or stopping pop-up ads from your browser appearing on your screen. They may also contain dangerous links that may lead to infection. Think about protecting Chrome, Firefox or the browser you are currently using with the proper software.
Keeping a backup of all your valuable files is also a good solution. Nice family photos, projects, work files, important information, researchers, etc. Everything you think is important to you, consider saving it as a backup or in a cloud. This may give you a little bit more security if you happen to get hit by a virus of this type. You never know when you may get infected with malware and unfortunately, no one is fully protected from getting it.
Threat | Maktub Locker Ransomware |
Classification | Ransomware |
Security Alert |
High. (malware that locks your PC or mobile and doesn’t let you access your data) |
Negative Effects | A message on the screen appears, informing users that the PC has been locked and all the files have been encrypted. |
Maktub Locker Ransomware Removal
Step 1
Reveal Hidden Files. If you don’t know how to do this, ask us in the comments.
Step 2
=> Search=> Copy/Paste “notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts” => Enter.
If you notice other IPs different from the localhost IPs – you might be in danger!
Ask for additional help in the comments.
Step 3
Right click on the Taskbar => Start Task Manager.
Navigate to Processes.
Locate any suspicious processes associated with Maktub Locker Ransomware . Right click on the process = > Open File Location => End Process = > Delete the directories with the suspicious files.
Step 4
=> Search => Type:
- %AppData%
- %LocalAppData%
- %ProgramData%
- %WinDir%
- %Temp%
Hit Enter after each new search. Check each Folder and delete recent entries.
Step 5
Get Your Files Back!
The only way you can do that is by backpedaling to a moment when you were not infected. You can achieve this in one of two ways:
- System Restore.
=> Search field => Type System Restore => Enter.
Choose a Restore Point.
Click Next until the process has been completed. - Google and Download a Program called ShadowExplorer. Install and open it => Choose the Drive letter (C:, D:, F:, etc.) and date you want to restore information from => Right click on the files you want restored => Export.
If you run into any trouble – ask us for help in the comments section!