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Mobile Security Week in Review

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Mobile Security Week in Review

As mobile devices become more prominent in business and off the clock, the need for mobile security from malware and adware attacks has never been quite so prevalent. That means a lot of new products, services and applications within the field. What that also means is a lot of news, and to keep it all in better focus, we take the weekend for a closer look at what happened in the week with our Week in Review coverage. So let’s settle in and run down some of the biggest things to take place this week.

First, we had a closer look at some issues surrounding Google Chrome, particularly when it came to password protection. Users of Google (News Alert) Chrome who have investigated the Advanced Settings window have likely discovered that passwords are visible in plain text. While starting out obscured, a simple mouse click can remove that obscuring. Google, at last report, is not only aware of this issue, but has no plans to make changes, suggesting that the use of a master password to protect password listings would provide a “false sense of security.”

Next, we had a look at the issue of biometrics in mobile payment security. The unique makeup of most every human being helps ensure a high degree of security when biometrics are involved, though it hasn’t been put into wide use. But with the rise of mobile payment technology, more companies are looking to tie a thumbprint or the like to mobile devices to help ensure the security of same, especially in light of mobile device users’ own lack of security and ad removal measures. With biometrics, however, there’s no need to remember a password or a PIN code, and instead, just apply a thumb or fingertip to a scan plate and go from there.

Antivirus software stood to get a boost from the growing bring your own device (BYOD) movement in the next bit of news. A recent Gartner (News Alert)study showed that, while mobile device use is exploding, antivirus software for same isn’t seeing the same kind of gain. But with the growth of BYOD in offices, antivirus software may prove to be more frequently required as businesses seek to protect the integrity of internal networks and the information contained on same.

Then we took a look at the issue of LTE roaming in the Middle East as a new partnership between SAP (News Alert) and Etisalat UAE helped to bring a new roaming peering hub to the region. With the new roaming peering hub in place, LTE roaming services are expected to see a significant boost, and provide both companies with expanded contacts and expanded presence in the region. Additionally, LTE (NewsAlert) network deployments overall are expected to climb in the wake of this new development.

Finally, we had a new look at an old enemy when it comes to mobile security – specifically, phishing attacks. Recent studies from Commtouch (News Alert)revealed that financial websites are still a major target in terms of phishing attack, and said attacks are becoming much more sophisticated overall. The e-mails and correspondence sent out in a phishing attack are getting increasingly difficult to distinguish from authentic correspondence, with over 750 new PayPal phishing sites are created daily.

That was the week that was in mobile security, and there was plenty going on. Our global online community was in fine form, digging up all the latest news in the sector and bringing it right back here. So for all the latest news in mobile security, be sure to join us right back here next week, and of course every weekend for our Week in Review coverage!


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