Welcome to our Feed Sonic Search removal instructions. This article intends to help you remove Feed Sonic Search from your system and is designed to work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer and all Windows versions.
Feed Sonic Search is to be considered a probable Browser Hijacker application. You may or may not know what exactly Browser Hijacker does, so in this article we aim to provide you with some much needed information. Most security experts do not consider Browser Hijacker programs as a serious threat and there’s an argument that they are not viruses per se. Yet there are certain dangers that can be closely associated with having an app like Feed Sonic Search on your computer. Keep reading to learn what they are and also how to avoid putting yourself in potentially dangerous situations.
General observations and recommendations
When dealing with a program like Feed Sonic Search you need to be aware of some things but also know how to react properly. You have probably encountered a plethora of unwanted and somewhat intrusive Ads being displayed. This is a problem closely associated with Feed Sonic Search. These advertisements could be very annoying and could very quickly become quite the nuisance. Not only that, if you are not careful you could potentially end up with additional PUPs and other questionable software on your hard drive. Avoid clicking on or interacting with any Ads being displayed on your screen unless you are absolutely positive they are legit. Often times you might be deceived into installing malware apps disguised as something else.
Also beware of web site redirects. This is what occurs when you try to open a specific web address but instead of that you end up on another one, previously unknown to you. Since you have no way of knowing whether this is a legitimate website, that is highly unlikely, or an attempt at a phishing scam or something similar, it is probably for the best if you leave websites you have been redirected to as quickly as you can. It is also a very good idea no to give away any of your personal information or banking details if you are browsing a website that you have been redirected to. If you unfortunately have already done that then it is probably for the best if you change all your important login information and passwords.
Before starting with our actual Feed Sonic Search removal guide, please take a moment longer to read this information. You will probably find it important enough as it answers some possible questions that might pop-up during the removal procedure. Creators of Browser Hijacker applications like Feed Sonic Search often change some parts of their software for various reasons. In reality this makes it a lot harder for universal removal solutions to be prepared. We have tried to make ours as extensive and as complete as possible. This has all been done in order to ensure as many users as possible would get the help they need. There is a downside though. You may find that some parts of our removal guide do not correspond to your problem at all or just seem redundant. If that happens keep in mind that they are probably of help to some other affected user, so just skip these parts and continue on with the rest of the guide.
On a side note – do not forget to repeat Step 3 for each individual browser currently on your system that is showing symptoms of an Browser Hijacker presence. Very often readers are confused that after apparently getting rid of the Browser Hijacker they soon find themselves tormented by the same things over and over again. To avoid that from happening and to enhance your overall browsing experience we recommend removing the problematic software completely from ALL of your browsers.
Feel free to contact us with any questions, suggestions or observations. We appreciate your feedback in trying to make this page as helpful as possible!
Threat | Feed Sonic Search |
Classification | Browser Hijacker |
Security Alert |
Medium. |
Negative Effects | Your search engine has been replaced. Unwanted advertisements might appear. |
Feed Sonic Search Removal
Step 1
Reveal Hidden Files. If you don’t know how to do this, ask us in the comments.
Step 2
Press => Control Panel => Uninstall a program.
Locate the Browser Hijacker and any other suspicious looking programs and uninstall them.
Sort the programs by Installed On.
Delete recent suspicious entries.
In the search field type => msconfig => hit Enter.
Go to Startup and disable all entries with Unknown as Manufacturer.
Step 3
=> Search=> Copy/Paste “notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts” => Enter.
If you notice other IPs different from the localhost IPs – you might be in danger!
Ask for additional help in the comments.
Step 4
Feed Sonic Search Removal from
Click => More Tools => Extensions.
Locate the Browser Hijacker and remove it.
Feed Sonic Search Removal from
Click => Add-ons=> Extensions.
Locate the Browser Hijacker and delete it.
Malware Removal from Internet Explorer
Press on => Manage Add-ons =>
Find the Browser Hijacker and remove it.
Step 5
Right click on the Taskbar => Start Task Manager.
Navigate to Processes.
Locate any suspicious processes associated with Feed Sonic Search. Right click on the process = > Open File Location => End Process = > Delete the directories with the suspicious files.
Step 6
=> Search => Type:
- %AppData%
- %LocalAppData%
- %ProgramData%
- %WinDir%
- %Temp%
Hit Enter after each new search. Check each Folder and delete recent entries.
If you run into any trouble – ask us for help in the comments section!