Welcome to our clx.im Chrome “Virus” removal instructions. This article intends to help you remove clx.im from your system and is designed to work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer and all Windows versions.
If you have become infected with clx.im “virus”, you probably have already experienced the nuisance of constant ad bombardment. This is characteristic of a browser hijacker – a type of program, which distributes large amounts of advertisements through means of pop-ups, page redirects and banners on various websites, where they would otherwise not be present. Clx.im belongs to this class of a browser hijacker, but should not be confused with viruses. Viruses are malicious pieces of programing that target users with predetermined, evil intentions and have the capacity of inflicting serious harm on your system. Common examples of these are things like Trojans and ransomware. Once again: clx.im is NOT a virus and will not damage your hardware or otherwise aim to cause damage.
That being said though, we realize a browser hijacker can be beyond annoying and should therefore not be tolerated, for which reason we have designed the guide below. It includes simple steps that will walk you through the process of removing this nuisance. Before you skip to the removal guide, though, let us first give you a little insight as to the way a browser hijacker works, so you will be able to better protect yourself from it in the future.
What does clx.im do exactly?
Well, we already know that it produces immense amounts of ads, plastering them over all the websites you visit, while browsing the web. But what is the point of this? The thing is that browser hijacker’s developers make a profit each time you click on any of the presented advertisements, be it intentionally or by accident. They operate on the basis of the so called Pay per click scheme, so it is in their best interest to gain a maximum amount of clicks from each user. Two tactics are employed to achieve this: the obvious one, where ads are so densely positioned on different webpages that it’s very difficult to maneuver past them, so you end up clicking without meaning to. The other one, is where they count on you deliberately clicking on something, because it seems interesting to you. To ensure that your curiosity is engaged, programs like clx.im tend to collect your browsing-related information, like pages you visit most, search queries, personal details, etc. Based on this info, the developers are able to produce content more relevant to you and then *hopefully* catch your eye.
Potential dangers
We mentioned that clx.im isn’t a threat like viruses are, but it does hide nonetheless certain risks. Because of the principles of the Pay per click scheme, it’s very common that the ads distributed are very much misleading and downright deceiving. You can see an offer for a cheap vacation on the Maldives, but upon clicking on it you may end up landing on something entirely different. Worst case scenario, you might even end up getting redirected to a malicious website, which may infect your computer with harmful programs. That aside, remember we pointed out to data collection? Well, browser hijacker’s developers are quite infamous for selling this data to third parties, which simply put could result in various forms of data misuse, including identity theft. This should be a huge red flag to anyone, because the consequences of crimes like these can be pretty devastating to the victims involved.
How to prevent infection
To increase your chances of not getting infected by a browser hijacker, it’s important to understand the methods used to distribute it. Among the most effective methods is a thing called program bundling, which is basically the act of packaging one program together with another one. In this case, clx.im is hidden into some other software (a free program, for example) and then installed alongside it, once you download this other software. So, the simplest way to avoid this is, once you have downloaded the desired program and proceed to set it up, always choose the custom / advanced installation settings. This will enable you to see what additional software has been included and you can then decide whether or not you would like to have it installed as well. Better yet: to avoid getting involved with program bundling (because malware can also be bundled into other programs), simply stay off websites that are prone to this issue. This includes open source download platforms and torrent sites.
Other infection possibilities could be spam emails with links to downloading clx.im. Simply be cautious with your email, try not to open messages that are clearly spam and definitely don’t click on any of the links in them or download any attached files.
Threat | clx.im |
Classification | Browser Hijacker |
Security Alert |
Medium |
Negative Effects | Bombardment of advertisements on virtually any website you visit. |
Clx.im Removal from Chrome
Reveal Hidden Files. If you don’t know how to do this, ask us in the comments.
=> Control Panel => Uninstall a program.
Locate the a browser hijacker and any other suspicious looking programs and uninstall them.
Additional 2.1:
Sort the programs by Installed On.
Delete recent suspicious entries.
Additional 2.2:
In the search field type => msconfig => hit Enter.
Go to Startup and disable all entries with Unknown as Manufacturer.
=> Search=> Copy/Paste “notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts” => Enter.
If you notice other IPs different from the localhost IPs – you might be in danger!
Ask for additional help in the comments.
clx.im Removal from
Click => More Tools => Extensions.
Locate the a browser hijacker and remove it.
clx.im Removal from Firefox
Click => Add-ons=> Extensions.
Locate the a browser hijacker and delete it.
Removal from Internet Explorer
Press on => Manage Add-ons =>
Find the a browser hijacker and remove it.
Right click on the Taskbar => Start Task Manager.
Navigate to Processes.
Locate any suspicious processes associated with clx.im. Right click on the process = > Open File Location => End Process = > Delete the directories with the suspicious files.
=> Search => Type:
- %AppData%
- %LocalAppData%
- %ProgramData%
- %WinDir%
- %Temp%
Hit Enter after each new search. Check each Folder and delete recent entries.
If you run into any trouble – ask us for help in the comments section!